Is off-plan more expensive?8 min read

Are you considering buying property in Abu Dhabi? Have you heard of off-plan properties and wondered if they are worth the investment? Off-plan properties have been on the rise in recent years, with many developers offering new projects that promise luxury living at affordable prices. But is it really more expensive to buy off-plan than a completed property? In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about off-plan properties in Abu Dhabi, including their cost, management, and pros and cons. So sit back and let’s dive into the world of off-plan property purchases!

Understanding Off-Plan Property Purchases

Off-plan property purchases refer to buying a property that is yet to be completed by the developer. The buyer typically puts down a deposit and pays for the property in installments until it is complete. This can take several months or even years, depending on the project’s timeline.

One of the main advantages of off-plan properties is that they are often priced lower than completed properties. This is because developers want to sell as many units as possible before construction begins, and offering discounts or incentives can help them achieve this goal.

However, there are also risks involved with buying off-plan properties. For example, there may be delays in construction or changes to the original plans, which could affect the value of your investment. It’s important to do thorough research into both the developer and project before making a purchase.

Understanding off-plan property purchases requires careful consideration of both the potential benefits and risks involved. By doing your due diligence and working with reputable developers and agents, you can make an informed decision about whether an off-plan property is right for you.

The Cost of Buying Off-Plan Property

When purchasing off-plan properties in Abu Dhabi, it’s important to understand the costs involved. Generally speaking, buying off-plan is usually more affordable than buying a completed property. However, there are still several expenses that come with this type of purchase.

Firstly, buyers will be required to pay a reservation fee in order to secure their unit. This fee can vary depending on the developer and project but typically ranges from 1-5% of the total purchase price.

Once construction begins, buyers will then need to make payments at various stages known as “milestone payments”. These payments are often spread out over several months or years and are based on the percentage of completion for each stage.

Buyers should also factor in additional costs such as legal fees, registration fees, and agent commissions which may apply when purchasing an off-plan property. It’s essential that all of these costs are taken into consideration before making any commitments.

Furthermore, while buying off-plan properties may be cheaper upfront compared to ready-to-move options; there might be some additional expenses after receiving possession like interior designing cost or final fit-outs needed as per requirements which needs additional funds.
In conclusion; while buying an off-plan property can result in significant savings for investors looking for long-term gains; they must take note of all associated costs before making their decision.

Factors that Affect the Price of Off-Plan Properties

The price of off-plan properties can vary depending on several factors. One significant factor is the location of the property. Properties in prime locations are more expensive compared to those located in less developed areas. The reputation of the developer is also a crucial consideration, as established developers often charge higher prices due to their brand equity.

The size and design of the property also play a role in its pricing. Bigger units cost more than smaller ones, while unique designs such as penthouses or duplexes command premium prices. Another contributing element is the quality and type of materials used for construction, with high-end finishes and fixtures driving up costs.

Market demand can significantly impact off-plan property prices too. In an oversupplied market where there are numerous similar projects available, developers may offer lower prices or incentives to attract buyers.

Economic conditions can affect off-plan property pricing either positively or negatively. A booming economy typically leads to increases in real estate values while recessions could decrease them.

All these factors should be carefully considered when deciding whether an off-plan purchase offers good value for money based on your investment goals and financial capabilities.

What is Off-plan Property Management?

Off-plan property management refers to the services provided by a property management company for properties that are still under construction or have not been completed yet. This type of service is designed to help investors manage their off-plan properties efficiently and effectively, ensuring that everything runs smoothly from start to finish.

Off-plan property management companies typically offer a range of services including market research, feasibility studies, budgeting, project planning, project monitoring and control, risk assessment and mitigation as well as tenant acquisition and retention. These services aim at giving investors peace of mind knowing that their investment is in good hands.

The goal of off-plan property management is to ensure that the development process goes according to plan while mitigating any risks or issues along the way. This requires careful attention to detail and effective communication between all parties involved in the process.

In summary, off-plan property management involves hiring an experienced team who will oversee every aspect of your investment from inception until completion. It provides a comprehensive package aimed at removing stress from developers’ minds during this crucial period.

Pros and Cons of Off-plan Property Management

Off-plan property management comes with both advantages and disadvantages that potential buyers should consider before making a purchase. One of the main benefits of off-plan property management is that it allows investors to customize their units according to their preferences. This means they can choose finishes, fixtures, layouts, and color schemes that suit their taste.

Another advantage of off-plan property management is that it typically offers good returns on investment. Off-plan properties are often sold at lower prices compared to ready-built properties, which enables investors to buy more affordable homes in prime locations. Additionally, as the project progresses and construction advances, the value of these properties increases.

However, there are also some drawbacks associated with off-plan property management such as delays in completion or changes in plans due to unforeseen circumstances like economic downturns or regulatory issues. Investors may have trouble reselling their units if something goes wrong during construction or if market conditions change after purchasing.

Moreover, because these types of developments often involve large numbers of units sold by developers who may not be experienced real estate professionals themselves, there could potentially be risks involved for investors who aren’t familiar with local regulations or customs.

While off-plan property management has its advantages and disadvantages depending on individual buyer needs and goals – it remains an attractive option for those looking to invest in Abu Dhabi’s burgeoning real estate market.

The Advantages of Off-plan Property Management

Off-plan property management comes with its share of advantages. First and foremost, it allows the buyer to customize their new home’s design according to their preferences. This means that they can choose the layout, fixtures, and fittings that suit them best.

Furthermore, off-plan properties are usually priced lower than completed properties. By investing in a property before it is built, buyers have the opportunity to purchase at a discounted price. In addition, as construction progresses and demand increases for those units still available for sale, prices may rise providing potential capital appreciation over time.

Off-plan purchases also provide an opportunity for investors to secure a prime location at the lowest possible cost while locking-in future gains on completion or resale.

Moreover off-plan purchasers who buy early during pre-construction stage typically get first pick of available units which often include better views or locations within developments as well as more favorable payment plans from developers including extended post-handover payments schedules up-to 5 years which makes buying affordable especially if you are planning on renting out your unit after handover.

Off plan investment has many benefits such as greater control over customization and lower pricing while allowing investors to lock-in potentially significant capital growth upon completion or resale.

The Disadvantages of Off-plan Property Management

Off-plan property management may come with some drawbacks that potential buyers should consider. One significant disadvantage of off-plan property management is the uncertainty of delivery dates. Since the development project is still underway, there could be delays due to various reasons like financial issues or permit complications.

Another drawback is the risk involved in investing in a yet-to-be-built property. There’s no guarantee that everything will go according to plan, and changes might occur during construction, which can affect the final product differently than what was initially proposed.

Furthermore, purchasing an off-plan property often requires a substantial down payment without any immediate return on investment since it takes time to complete construction before generating income from renting or reselling.

In addition, off-plan properties often lack transparency regarding their specifications and quality levels since they are not completed yet. This means that buyers have little control over aspects such as finishes and materials used in construction.

Buying an off-plan apartment can lead to disappointment if the final product does not match your expectations or needs once it’s completed. It’s vital to conduct thorough research on both the developer and previous projects they’ve completed before making any decisions.

While there are several advantages of buying off-plan properties , these disadvantages highlight some potential risks associated with this type of investment opportunity.


Buying off-plan properties in Abu Dhabi can be more expensive or more affordable depending on various factors. It is important to do thorough research and seek the advice of professionals before making any investment decision.

Off-plan property management can be a great option for those who want to invest in real estate but do not have the time or resources to manage their properties themselves. However, it also comes with its own advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully considered.

Buying off-plan properties and investing in real estate can be a wise decision if done correctly. With proper planning and execution, investors can enjoy significant returns on their investments over time.

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